Exit & Entrance Tickets DIGITAL for ALL Subjects


Total Pages: 50 slides; 50
File Size: 7 MB


Exit slips provide an awesome formative assessment tool! These can be used for ANY subject, and they can also be used as entrance tickets or quick homework assignments. They provide an effective and valuable way to provide more digital formative assessments in your class. And they are so simple to use, assign, and check, when they are digital!

Even better, THIS resource also includes an easy-to-print pdf version!

This bundle contains more than 40 different exit tickets that can be used in any subject area. Each slip comes in two sizes and styles. One is a beautiful, full-color, digital slide that students will use with ease. If you would like to print them, I’ve provided low ink versions of all slides, with multiple slips per page.

How can you use exit and entrance slips to benefit instruction?

♦ Use them as a quick way to assess students’ learning.
♦ Collect them as part of a digital assessment portfolio for each student.
♦ Use them to inform instruction by providing you with valuable information about students’ understanding.
♦ They can also be used to promote mindful learning and self-reflection.

I’ve included the following types of exit/entrance ticket prompts:
~~ prompts that document learning
~~ prompts that support goal-setting
~~ prompts that generate wonder
~~ prompts that promote self-reflection
~~ prompts that encourage connections
~~ blank prompts for you to use for specific questions/tasks/problems

Please check out the preview to see a sampling of the exit slips/entrance slips offered here!

What’s the Scoop on DigELA Resources?
★ Fun & Interactive!
★ paperless
★ perfect for the 1:1 classroom
★ can be printed
★ ideal for flipping the lesson
★ for Google Drive and/or MS OneDrive
★ high level of student buy-in & engagement
★ easy to use
★ step-by-step instructions for use
★ You and your students will LOVE this!

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As always, you can contact me with any questions.

Take care, ♥


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