This quote journal can be used with novels, short stories, poems, or dramas. Students can use it independently, with a partner, or in literature circles. It can also be used for a genre study or as a year-long project.
Quote logs provide learners with the opportunity to read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and what can be inferred. Students will also analyze the development of ideas.
In my classroom, I use this so students gain knowledge about how to isolate specific lines from a work of literature and explain the significance of the quote. The first page includes some of the reasons the quotes might be important. Students are encouraged to use specific literary terminology as they explain the quote’s significance.
Explicit instructions are included, as well as a sample response for students to emulate. The rubric is built-in the back page for easy use!
Literary quote logs provide an important step in students’ ability to support claims when writing essays.
You will find many ways to use this, and your students will benefit greatly!
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