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Free Writing Mini Book
Would you like your students to know exactly what to include when writing argumentative, informative, and narrative pieces? This awesome reference guide is all yours!
Boost Student Engagement: Teach Descriptive Writing with a Fun Twist
Who knew that using a fun and simple technique like directed drawing would help me teach descriptive writing and short story writing? Teaching a writing support class for 5th, 6th,
Mentor Texts for Teaching Writing
Using the right mentor texts has really boosted my success in teaching writing. In this post, we’ll discuss what mentor texts are, why they’re important, and how to use them
5 Super Helpful Tips for Teaching Writing in Middle School
If you teach writing in middle school, I’ve got some more super helpful, easy-to-use tips to make your life easier! Before long you’ll love teaching writing, and you’ll breeze through
Lesson Plans for Halloween that are Perfect for Middle School!
The good news is that October is a spooktacular and fun time of year! The not-so-good news is that Halloween falls on a school day. So it’s time to start
5 Winning Reasons to Start Teaching With Podcasts
If you’re like me, and you’re tired of repeating yourself 2,124 times a day, try teaching with podcasts! They’re a new and engaging way to teach active listening skills, as
The Best Way to Teach Summary Writing
Summary writing can be a tricky business. After all, boiling down an article or story into just a few sentences takes ninja skills. But it’s a skill well worth mastering,