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Free Writing Mini Book
Would you like your students to know exactly what to include when writing argumentative, informative, and narrative pieces? This awesome reference guide is all yours!
How to Make Poetry Writing Awesome With Stations
I received this frantic text from a friend: HELP!!! I’M BEING HELD PRISONER… Just kidding. It was HELP!!! I’M BEING OBSERVED THE DAY AFTER STATE TESTING AND I DON’T HAVE A
Tips for Teaching Argumentative Writing
I A person only has to spend 5 minutes in the company of a middle schooler to find out they LOVE to argue. And if someone is going to encourage
10 Tips to Tame the Grading Monster
I almost titled this piece, How to Grade a Boatload of Papers During a Commercial Break. My fear was that people would start leaving questions asking me what size the
How to Teach Introductory and Concluding Paragraphs
Have you noticed that every single weather occurrence gets a mighty-sounding name these days? I’m sick of Vulcan, Atlas, and Orion. Send us a storm named Dinky. Or Fluffy. Or
Writing with Text Evidence
Text evidence writing is near and dear to my heart. It gives me a chance to tell my students not to dump and run. “No evidence
Teach Tone with One Sentence
Picture this scenario: Typical middle schooler. At home after school. Cut to the harried mother, who has not only been to work and back, but has also picked