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Free Writing Mini Book
Would you like your students to know exactly what to include when writing argumentative, informative, and narrative pieces? This awesome reference guide is all yours!
3 Tips for Teaching Your Students to Write Strong Essays
I don’t know about you, but when I was in middle school, I always found essay writing to be a bummer, even though I loved writing. And based on the
How to Teach Argument Writing Step-By-Step
No doubt, teaching argument writing to middle school students can be tricky. Even the word “argumentative” is off-putting, bringing to mind pointless bickering. But once I came up with argument
Use Spiral Review and Kick Test Prep to the Curb
Dear Ms. ELA Buffet, (lol- so cute!) There are so many middle school ELA standards to cover, and I don’t have time for test prep! How can I help my
Why You Should Use a Feature Article to Teach Informational Writing
Have you ever said the words “informational research writing” to your middle school writers, only to hear the groans echo like a yodel in the Alps? If the answer is
Writing Frames are a Recipe for Success
Last year I was given a class of struggling middle school writers. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I needed to provide them with even more scaffolding
3 Ways to Use Sentence Stems in Middle School
When an esteemed high school advanced placement instructor I know suggested using more sentence stems and writing frames with all levels of middle AND high school students, I was intrigued.